Supply Lists
Preschool 3s
$5-10, pay as you can for classroom supplies
An extra set of clothes
Small blanket and pillow for rest time
1 backpack
Preschool 4s
1 backpack
1 extra outfit in a Ziploc bag
1 small pillow
1 small blanket
1 box of Kleenex
1 roll of paper towels
1 box Crayola Crayons (24 or less)
1 large bottle of Elmer’s Glue
3 containers of Lysol wipes (if available)
2 different color pocket folders
4 pencils
1 scissors (preferably fiskars-blunt end)
1 small pillow and blanket
1 washable watercolor paint set (Crayola works best)
4 large glue sticks (may need more later in the year)
1 complete set of clothes in a large baggie with you child’s name on it
1 set of washable markers
1 pair white soled gym shoes
2 rolls paper towels
1 package of napkins
1 set of colored pencils
1 school bag
2 boxes of Kleenex
1st-2nd Grades
1 pencil box
1 pk washable markers
1 box of Crayola crayons (24 or less)
Colored pencils
4 dry erase Expo markers
2 highlighters different colors
12″ straight-edge ruler (cm and in)
2 folders (different colors)
2 wide-ruled notebooks
1 pink erasers
12 #2 pencils (Ticonderoga)
1 glue bottle
Gym shoes
2 containers Lysol wipes
3 boxes of Kleenex
3rd-4th Grades
glue (1 bottle and 3 sticks)
crayons (box of 48 or smaller)
12” ruler with metric measure
school box (not too large)
1 large box of tissue (optional)
1 highlighter
markers (8 or 10 pack)
colored pencils (optional)
NIV Bible (Compliments of Thrivent to 3rd graders)
5 or more #2 pencils
1 container of Lysol wipes
school bag
2 large erasers
1 red pen or pencil
plastic crate
scissors (preferably Fiskars)
No large binders
2 pocket folders
gym shoes
*Please put your child’s name on everything
5th-6th Grades
4+ spiral bound notebooks (college ruled) and/or loose leaf paper
ruler (metric & standard markings)
1 large eraser (or pencil top erasers)
post-it notes
colored pencils
watercolor paint (optional)
crayons (optional)
blue or black pens/whiteout (optional, although if you use pens, you need whiteout)
1 bottle of liquid glue
6 glue sticks
3 pocket folders
highlighters of varying colors (need at least a yellow, green, and pink)
handheld pencil sharpener
catechism (given to 5th graders through church)
NIV Bible
gym shoes
crate (optional)
7th-8th Grades
3 or 4 family size boxes of Kleenex
loose leaf paper (college)
gym shoes
colored pencils
MUST have 4 RED pens
NIV Bible
#2 pencils
pens (blue or black)
ruler (with metric marking)