Tuition Information

The cost to educate a child at Immanuel is $5,500, but families will not pay this amount. The congregation of Immanuel Lutheran Church subsidizes a significant portion of school tuition for each student. Please see the chart for current tuition rates. Immanuel also offers a family discount for 3 or more children. If cost is still a concern, tuition assistance is available.
Family Cap for Immanuel Members: $4,450
Family Cap for Non-Members: $5,150
If you would like to help a student attend at a lower cost, print this downloadable tuition sponsorship form or speak with our Principal.
All Student Registration Forms
2024-2025 School Year Registration
Deadline: August 9, 2024
Click the links below to fill in the forms. Each student needs each form filled out unless otherwise noted.
Prefer paper? Click here for printable Registration Forms: Grades 1-6, Grades 7-8, Kindergarten, Preschool
These paper forms are needed in addition to the online forms!
- Emergency call form (one per family)
Immunization record (each student)
Annual Health Census (1st-8th grade ONLY)
Health Care Summary (PreK-Kinder ONLY)
Registration fees:
Kindergarten-8th Grade: $115
Preschool: $80
This non-refundable fee holds your child’s spot at ILS. It can be mailed with the forms or brought to school before the school year begins.
If you need help with the registration process or are unable to register by the deadline, contact Dan Erdman at (507) 359-2534.
Mail to:
Immanuel Lutheran School
50605 478th Street
Courtland, MN 56021

Important Dates For Fall 2024
Friday, August 9th: Registration forms due
Sunday, August 18th: Strides for Souls 5K
Wednesday, August 21st, 5:30-6:30 pm
Meet The Teacher Night: meet your teacher and bring school supplies to school. Catch up with other ILS families!
Tuesday, August 27th: First day of school for K-8 and Pre3.
Wednesday, August 28: First day of school for Pre4s